What do you make of ISIS banning Eid prayers?


ISIS recently banned residents in Mosul from offering congregational Eid al-Fitr prayer, claiming the practice is not part of Islam. What are your thoughts?


“Agreed. Brother Bilal’s extended hugs get creepier every year.”
Maleek Rabab


“I’m hella bummed I don’t get to wear my new glitter jilbab, but at least our new dictators aren’t using chemical weapons against us like our old dictator.”
Aliyah Mahmood


“Look on the bright side – at least we don’t have to pay the $5 fee and carry around funky smelling plastic bags that look like shoe sausages.”
Ali Fuzail


“Looks like the sheer khurma has been replaced with fear khurma. See what I did there?”
Sana Waleed


“Backwards regimes with ominous flags representing oppression need to be held accountable. But can I please keep at least one Confederate flag?”
Wilfred “Billy” Williams

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