Airdropped US-Supplied Aid For Gaza Obliterated By US-Supplied Missile Fired On Gaza

On Saturday, U.S. supplied humanitarian aid dropped into Gaza was obliterated by U.S. supplied missiles and bombs also meant to be dropped on Gaza.

On Saturday, U.S. supplied humanitarian aid dropped into Gaza was obliterated by U.S. supplied missiles and bombs also meant to be dropped on Gaza.

Personnel at U.S. Central Command were reportedly frustrated as pallets of over 38,000 meals were destroyed by weapons delivered on pallets by President Biden just months prior.

“This has become a bit of a logistical conundrum for us,” said one official.

“We need to figure out if we want to drop our 2 ton bombs before we drop the humanitarian aid, or after. If we do it before, then what’s the point? BUT if we do it after, then what’s the point?”

The same officer mentioned that the Biden administration is open to more efficient delivery options.

“Perhaps if we place the bombs INSIDE the aid boxes, it will save us a trip?”

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