Muslim Coworker Spotted Heading Into Restroom With Stanley Cup “What the hell is he doing in there with NHL’s most coveted trophy?!?”

On Tuesday afternoon, Muslim coworker, Youssef Ali, was seen in the fourth floor men's restroom with NHL's Stanley Cup.

Chicago, IL – On Tuesday afternoon, employees at the Chicago-based Hewlitt Partners consulting firm spotted their coworker, Youssef Ali, hastily walking into the fourth floor men’s restroom with the National Hockey League’s (NHL) Stanley Cup.

Members of the firm’s Strategic Analytics group saw Ali walk into the restroom around 1:00 in the afternoon, shortly after lunch. Ali was then seen returning back to his cubicle thirty minutes later, wiping the cup dry with a paper towel.

The Stanley Cup is the championship trophy awarded annually to NHL playoff winner after the conclusion of the Stanley Cup Finals. Since the Chicago Blackhawks championship win on Monday night, the cup has been making its way through the city’s bars, sports venues and restrooms.

Ralph Wilson, Senior Accountant at the firm, witnessed Ali come out of a restroom stall, fill the trophy’s bowl up with water, only to return back to the stall and close its door.

“What the hell is he doing in there with NHL’s most coveted trophy?!?” asked a puzzled Wilson.

According to fellow employees Ali, who has been with the company for three years, routinely visits the restroom with either a paper cup, water bottle, or the wall-mounted emergency firehose in hand.

As of Tuesday evening, the cup is believed to have made its way out of the office and back onto the streets of Chicago.

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