Bored Moon Sighting Committee Declares Eid For The Hell of It

Bored out of their minds, an area moon sighting committee decided to declare a random, never-heard-before Eid just for the hell of it.

Bored out of their minds, an area moon sighting committee decided to declare a random, never-heard-before Eid just for the hell of it.

The all male, veteran team of 6 struggled to find ways to be relevant, as the start of Ramadan was still over 6 months away.

“Our committee’s function is very specific,” explained 71 year old Abdul Malik as he played a game of bridge with the other men, robotically sipping on styrofoam cups of tea.

“We see the moon, we declare Eid. It’s what we do. It’s all we do.”

Through an audible yawn, Malik asked the team if they should just declare Eid tomorrow.

“I anticipated some push back, but the other guys just shrugged their shoulders and nodded without looking away from their playing cards.”

Malik resisted recent calls from the community to disband until necessary, and has indicated his group may declare several more Eids, now that they’ve set a precedent.

“It’s called job security baby.”

Follow @islamicanews but don’t follow these guys for Eid announcements.

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