FBI Arrests Sleepy Man Authorities believe suspect is part of a larger sleeper cell

Authorities suspect the man in the picture is the long sought-after 'Sleepy Man.'

BROOKLYN, NY – The FBI made a huge break recently as they arrested the individual known as “Sleepy Man.” The suspect was arrested in his Brooklyn apartment after a carefully-planned 3 A.M. raid.

“We now have the suspect known as Sleepy Man. We currently don’t have his real name but suspect that he is somehow associated with Al-Qaeda… through his sleepy ways,” stated FBI Chairman Stanley Watts.

“We are fairly certain this is the man we’re looking for. At the time of the raid he was sleepy. This is clearly a match for the profile of the man we seek.”

As certain as the bureau is of his identity, Watts did note that the suspect could also be the elusive “Hairy Man” as well as the “Time to Make the Donuts Man.”

The operative is believed to be part of a network of “sleeper cells” operating in North America that officials deem to be very dangerous.

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