Hijabi Playboy Interview Sparks #PornDawah Movement "We want to be inspired and do research and stuff."


On the high heels of a hijabi’s recent Playboy interview, Muslim teenage boys are clamoring for greater access to softcore pornography in efforts to “change that narrative or something.”

“We want to be inspired and do research and stuff,” stated 13-year-old Malik Abdallah. “It’s breaking new ground for hot Muslims everywhere.”

Abdallah recently launched the #PornDawah Kik group focused on legitimizing Muslim youth access to pornography and quasi-porn publications. The group has 34 members, mostly boys between 12 and 17 years of age.

“We need access to Playboy and other…research. Did you know that Malcolm X and MLK did Playboy interviews? It’s totally legit,” stated Kik user muslimbooty786. “This Playboy hijabi is just like them, right? With all of her struggles to be openly attractive? I think so.”

“Also boobs,” chimed in another member, somewhat appropriately named b00bd00d.

“#PornDawah is groundbreaking, but can we please kick that 43-year-old member?” inquired another Kik group member.

Muslim teens aren’t alone in trying to capitalize on the trend of Muslims being featured in pornographic and vaguely-pornographic media.

Hustler recently announced they’re doing a 4-page spread featuring “Hardcore Hijabi Activists,” and Perfect 10 is including an editorial from Yusuf Islam on “The Concept of Perfection in Deen.”

Not to be outdone, Vivid Entertainment announced Dawud Wharnsby will contribute tracks to their upcoming “Creaming Shariah” feature film.

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