Shady MSA Getting Shadier

MSA President Bilal Khan was persistent in pushing for a co-ed wrestling tournament.

DES MOINES, IA – Something is not quite right at the local college MSA. In a continuing pattern of suspicious trends, members are left with many questions as to what might be transpiring within their beloved organization.

“[MSA President Bilal Khan] wanted to hold a co-ed basketball tournament,” stated longtime member Maryam Zulfiqar. “This was after his original idea of a co-ed wrestling tournament was shot down.”

Flyers for a recent fundraising dinner included the e-mail contact “[email protected]” for MSA Secretary Aamina Forwardu.

This past semester, numerous events have also been held where no one but the president and secretary were notified.

“They’re freaking dating, I know it,” exclaims former member Ali Kamal. “I busted those two holding hands at the theater and they said they were just there to warn others about the evils of movies and stuff.”

Citing the Khan’s seven-year term at the two-year community college, members are demanding an MSA board re-election.

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