Mosque Architect “Really Enjoying” New Trump Sign So Much Gold, So Much Mirrors

Faraz annoyed construction workers by cheering enthusiastically as the sign was built over the past week.

CHICAGO, IL – Swimming contrary to general public sentiment, a local architect responsible for the design and build of many area mosques expressed enthusiasm over the new sign defacing the Trump Tower. The 52 year old, identified as Naperville resident Mohsin Faraz, could barely contain his enthusiasm.

“It’s just so beautiful,” espoused Faraz. “So much golds around the letter. And the mirror windows were beautifully complimented with more mirrors in the letters.”

Faraz, a huge supporter of the “gold and mirrors” school of design, proudly noted he’s worked many of these same elements into area mosques.

“I love the gold and golden, but many masjid can’t afford the real gold so we use fake,” he explained. “But I am certain Mr. Tramp use the real gold here because he is very rich you know.”

Not all congregants at the mosques Faraz has built agree, however.

“It looks so tacky, like we’re on a treasure hunt at an amusement park,” stated one worshipper. “As a community, we invested over $3 million to build this mosque so it’s disappointing the chandelier, lighting fixtures and some doors look like half-melted pieces of plastic someone obviously spray painted gold.”

Another mosque regular questioned whether having donation boxes “covered with gold and mirrors” was good idea. He added Faraz’s decision to make a stair pulpit entirely of glass and gold is probably a fire hazard.

Faraz doesn’t appear to let the criticism get to him. Stating he’s “newly perspired” by Trump, Faraz intends to incorporate a similar sign into an Islamic school he’s currently architecting.

When asked for comment, school administration promptly fired Faraz and are actively seeking new architects.

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