Chicago Muslims Divided on When to Mourn End of Rose’s Season Disagreement Over When to Declare Annual "Eid-ul-ACL" Day of Mourning

Disagreement over when to mourn the injury has divided the Chicago Muslim community.

CHICAGO, IL – The annual season-ending injury of Chicago Bulls Star Derrick Rose’s season has deepened rifts within the Chicago Muslim community. Reports of Rose’s torn meniscus spread quickly online and fans immediately took to social media voicing their thoughts and concerns.

“I can’t believe it. Another season lost,” tweeted DePaul MSA President Jamal Ebrahim. “We’ll be mourning tomorrow.”

Not everyone, however, is in agreement that tomorrow should be the official “Eid ul-ACL” for Chicago Muslims.

“With the advent of new technologies, information can spread quickly but we mustn’t forget tradition,” stated Chicago Hilal Committee Spokesman Amjed Hashmi. “Authentically determining the date of Eid ul-ACL requires awaiting the official Chicago Bulls press conference and verification with three credible witnesses of the injury. ”

Hashmi also noted the severity of Rose’s injury is unknown and he may yet return this season. Others aren’t so optimistic and frustrated with the lack of agreement on when to mourn the Bulls stars’ yearly injury.

“This is crap man, come on. Not debatable. The man’s scheduled for surgery,” stated longtime Bulls fan and CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab. “And who put the moon the sighting guys in charge of this?”

With the widening chasm in their community, many Chicago Muslims expressed sadness regarding this growing disparity.

“I’m sad because we’re mourning Rose’s season-ending injury today but our neighbors are going to wait until tomorrow,” stated 7-Year-Old Jibraeel Ahmed. “This has been going on for nearly half my life. I hope to see the day where we can all mourn Rose’s ACL tear on the same day.”

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