Everyone Falls Asleep at Fajr Discussion


SCHAUMBURG, IL – In what some are labeling as a bizarre phenomenon, a morning study group at the Midwest Islamic Center in Schaumburg, IL achieved the impossible. Sometime between 6:45 and 6:46 A.M. last week, all nine of the participants in the weekly discussion simultaneously fell into a state of slumber.

52-year-old Shafique Osman was the first to notice.

“I wake it, then I look it, every the body sleeping.”

Participants said that nothing like this ever happened in the five-year history of the discussion group and cannot provide an explanation.

Mahmood Khan, who heads up the discussion after Fajar, was dumbfounded before going back to sleep to take advantage.

“We kinda noticed it and moved on. No one said a word.”

The discussion group will still meet at their scheduled time every Sunday morning.

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