Presidential Candidates Get Swirly Thingies in Eyes When Asked About Israel Moderator noticed candidate behaviors suddenly shift from relaxed to robotic, and the appearance of a dull red light glowing from their chests.

A strange moment ensued amidst the noisy exchanges of email servers and Xenophobia, as both candidates exhibited swirly eyes when asked about their policies on Israel.

Hempstead, NY – A strange, paranormal-like moment transpired during the Presidential debate Monday evening when both candidates were questioned about their policies toward Israel.

“All of a sudden, both candidates seemed like they were in a daze and their eyes got all swirly,” said moderator Lester Holt who spent most of the debate in the restroom.

One member of the audience recalled hearing strange noises faintly in the background.

“It sounded like two dial up modems were syncing up to a server.”

Donald Trump became impervious to any external stimuli as he responded in an eerie monotonous tone, “The Israel is our friend. We love the Israel. No one loves the Israel more than I do.”

Hillary Clinton also replied as she stared swirling into space, “Israel is our biggest ally. We must protect Israel. We must give Israel all our moneys.”

Witnesses observed that it only got stranger from there. The following is an excerpt of the debate during that awkward moment:

Trump: “Bibi Netanyahu is a good friend of mine.”
Clinton: “I talk to Bibi Netanyahu on the phone everyday.”
Trump: “I love Bibi more.”
Clinton: “No I love Bibi more.”
Trump: “Bibi”
Clinton: “Bibi”
Trump and Clinton (in unison staring into space): “Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi Bibi…”

At one point Melania Trump panicked and threw a wrench at her husband hitting him in the forehead, but to no avail.

Finally when it was time to move on to the next question, both candidates awoke — oblivious to the ordeal. Clinton could be seen ready to pass out, while a bewildered Trump stood rubbing his forehead grimacing in pain.

After the debate both Clinton and Trump declined to comment, as neither one seemed to remember the exchange.

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