IDF Shows Inside Of Alleged Hamas Member’s Home And His “Bomb-Making Leather Sectional”

On Wednesday, an IDF spokesperson showed members of the press a dangerous 2 piece sectional allegedly used to make explosives.

On Wednesday, the Israeli Defense Forces led a handful of reporters through the living room of an alleged Hamas militant’s home for an exclusive look at explosive manufacturing devices including a modern, 2 piece, leather bomb-making sectional and two violently plush velvet recliners.

“We are standing in what is the lion’s den of a vile Hamas operation,” announced Admiral Daniel Levin as he showcased a professionally interior designed space with midcentury flare.

“As you can see, this top-grain, tan leather seating arrangement is where they probably built rockets. They acquire these tools from the extremist government of Iran, or Wayfair… because they hate the West… Elm.”

After Levin paraded several seasonal decor items and “projectile” throw pillows, he picked up a TV remote to show how Hamas used wireless tech for destruction.

“This button here says ‘Netflix’ which is arabic for triggering explosion and other Stranger Things.”

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