Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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Study: Red Wine Still Haram: Researchers Unveil Results of 15 Year Study

Dr. Gamal erupted into giggles throughout his scattered 90-minute presentation.

Alexandria, Egypt – Haram researchers at the University of Alexandria announced the results of their 15-year red wine study. Disheveled Study Director Dr. Mahmoud Gamal addressed reporters while reading from a tattered collection of loose leaf papers.

“The red wine…it’s still haram,” slurred a visibly inebriated Dr. Gamal. “We thought, hey…maybe…you know? Maybe.”

“But no.”

The study, started in early 2000, initially focused on red wine. According to researchers, their scope expanded “a few years ago” when an intern brought Cognac to the facility and things “deteriorated rapidly” from there.

“When [Ph.D. candidate Farouk] Abbasi busted out with the opiates, things really went sideways,” added Gamal while pouring himself a glass of 1972 Pinot Noir.

At numerous points, other research team members stumbled to the podium shouting their findings and/or darkest, inner-most thoughts. Gamal was also interrupted by a urine-soaked assistant researcher repeatedly asking where the bathroom was.

At one point, Dr. Gamal Googled “red wine halal” on his mobile phone and excitedly declared, “You guys! The red wine, they say it’s good chemicals in there! So maybe it’s halal now? Or no?”

“Where’s Abbasi?,” he concluded while abruptly walking off stage.

Phlegm Still Attached to Wudu Area Drain: Long string seen fluttering through ablution water for the past several days

A string of phlegm has been clinging to the drain hole of a Dallas area Wudu wash basin since last last week.

Dallas, TX – In what seems to be a true test of endurance and adhesion, a long string of phlegm has been fluttering through streams of wudu (ablution) water for the past several days. The mucus-like substance has been “attached” to the drain hole of a Dallas area Mosque wudu basin since late last week.

Mosque attendants first noticed the wispy composition last Friday as they made their own ablution for prayer. Many people were impressed by the phlegm’s resolve to stay intact.

“I think it’s getting bigger,” said 11 year old Fouad Jamal, a student at the mosque’s weekend school.
“Last week it was only half this size – it’s almost as if it’s recruiting more members.”

As of Thursday night, the phlegm showed no signs of letting up, and will probably maintain its form through the Friday congregation.

School Teacher Successfully Mispronounces ‘Siddiqui’ Ten Years In A Row: Instructors prepare for another round of "orally challenging" names

Math teacher Karen Lightfoot has butchered foreign names for ten years in a row, and shows no signs for letting up.

St. Louis, MO – As students across the country file back into classrooms to kick off the new school year, many brace for what could be an old-fashioned ‘butchering’ of their names during the first roll call.

No exception to this long-standing tradition is seventh-grade Pre-Alegebra teacher Ms. Karen Lightfoot. Ms. Lightfoot is a ten-year instructor at Hidden Oaks Intermediate School, and has self admittedly never traveled out of the state.

“Maar-tarzan Soodekee,” she calls out with a painful squint, as she reads down the list of 16 students in her second period class. Her gaze shifts from her clipboard to scan the room searching for confirmation of attendance. Her eyes land on the far corner of the class where the only South Asian student sits.

“Did I say that right?” she asks with a mistaken sense of accomplishment.

“It’s actually Murtuza Siddiqui,” says the eleven-year old brown skinned kid who starts to blush in embarrassment, but can only turn purple.

“Oh, that’s very nice,” responds the tenured teacher. “Is there a nickname I can use? I don’t want to sprain my tongue.”

Siddiqui doesn’t have a nickname.

Siddiqui is one of hundreds of thousands of kids who will have their name bastardized this morning. However, many of these students have become conditioned to what has seemingly become a frequent occurrence and a stapled experience in the educational process.

“I knew Ms. Lightfoot was going to call my name when her eyes got all wide,” said Siddiqui as he slid both arms into his backpack. “She’ll forget by tomorrow, and I’ll have to correct her again. I usually give up by the third day, and then settle for some lesser messed-up version of my name.”

Lightfoot has managed to mispronounce the last name of ‘Siddiqui’ consistently for the past ten years.

Her memorable blunders have included ‘Suzuki,’ ‘Sickdicky’ and ‘Saddam Hussein.’

Lightfoot rejected the idea of taking a series of multi-cultural sensitivity classes, noting her schedule can’t accommodate the extra load.

“This district’s demographics are changing quickly,” says Lightfoot. “But apparently our paychecks aren’t, so… there’s your answer.”

Meanwhile, Murtuza Siddiqui went on to third period, where his Physical Education Coach called him ‘Monster Slacky.’

School Bully Experimenting With New Insults This Year: Expands Creative Repertoire

The bully hopes to breathe new life into his reign of terror.

COLUMBUS, OH – Expressing frustrations with his repeated ‘Ghandi’ references last year, Southwood Elementary Fourth Grader Mike “Mikey” Washington is making efforts to expand his insult repertoire in the new year.

“You need your go-to’s and ‘Ghandi’ has been good to me,” noted Washington. “But I can’t become complacent. I admit I’m lacking in worldliness but I need to expand my merciless horizons.”

During a press conference, Washington read new insults from a crumpled sheet of paper he removed from his back pocket. The nine-year old grew increasingly frustrated as he struggled to read his own handwriting due to poor penmanship and a lack of adequate school supplies.

“Turban…turb…turdban? I can’t read this one. Wacky Iraqi? Hah I like that one,” proclaimed Washington. “Oh wait, here’s a good one! Camel! And Osama…maybe that’s still culturally offensive?”

Classmate Feroz Habeeb stated he’s disappointed Washington didn’t transfer, but hopes “Mikey” mixes it up and distributes the bullying to other kids. One of Washington’s favorite targets, Habeeb suffered repeated bullying last year and three “monster” wedgies, one requiring minor hospitalization.

“Mikey’s is a real jerk,” noted Habeeb, while unpacking his lunch. “It’s bad enough the teachers can’t pronounce my name and we don’t have lotas in the bathroom.”

At press time Washington demonstrated his new move, the “Curry Wedgie,” by pouring Habeeb’s rice and lentil lunch down his pants, lifting him one foot off the ground by his underwear, and referring to him as “Ghandi” numerous times.

Texas Official Apologies For Humanizing Muslims: Rare Slip by Elected Official

Miller adamantly denied rumors he's a "towelhead sympathizer."

SXSW, TX – Texas Commissioner Bubba “Boss Hog” Miller is backtracking after a Facebook post in which he mistakenly humanized Muslims, referring to them in a non-derogatory tone. Miller blames the post on a staffer who ignored “clearly-established” protocol prohibiting non-hate speech against “Islam, Muslims and injuns.”

The Facebook status, remarking on the diversity of US heritage, stated, “Christians, Jews, Muslims and people of all ethnicities are welcome here in the great State of Texas.”

The post ignited social media backlash and condemnation by Miller’s fiercely racist constituents.

“Camel jockeys and sand n@**ers don’t belong in our country!” exclaimed one commenter. “Send them all back to Iraqistan!”

“My dogs hate the 7-11 guy,” stated another supporter/bigot. “He needs to stop being Muslim!”

In a press release, an apologetic Miller stated, “We deeply regret the inclusion of Muslims in any dignified context. Our office is inclusive of all ethnicities and religions, except Islam. And maybe the Hindus. They’re the same thing, right?”

“Anyway, we’re taking steps to remedy the oversight. I vow to hunt down the probably-Muslim sumbitch who did this.”