Labor Day Weekend to be Renamed “Eid ul-Isna” ISNA Claims It Just Makes Sense

Newly-elected President Azhar Azeez addresses reporters after the announcement.

DETROIT, MI – On the eve of their annual convention, the Islamic Society of North America issued a press release declaring the long weekend to officially become an Islamic holiday.

“Muslims have been clamoring for more holidays so we’re proud to give the public what they want,” stated the release. “We encourage adherents of the Islamic faith to enjoy their extra time off the first Monday of September. And remember, there’s no better way to celebrate Eid ul-Isna than buying tickets and bring friends and family to the ISNA convention.”

Many are confused by the announcement, citing that Labor Day is already a long weekend and doesn’t provide any additional time off from work based on religious grounds. Others are quite vocal about their opinion this is a bid’ah (innovation) and are demanding ISNA renege on the declaration.

“You can’t just declare a holiday like this! I’m not even sure if I’m going to go to ISNA this weekend now,” stated a frustrated man while haggling a vendor in the bazaar area. “Where da lobby at?”

This isn’t the first controversial incident surrounding this year’s convention. Earlier this month, Prominent Scholar Tariq Ramadan wrote an open letter criticizing ISNA leadership for their silence regarding Muslim affairs overseas and American foreign policy.

Other Muslim leaders, however, jumped to ISNA’s defense. Shaikh Khalid Mabuti was a particularly vocal ISNA supporter.

He stated, “The ISNA convention and lobby scene are second to none. The macking should be reduced to acceptable levels but is understandable as there’s far too much tail to ignore. I’m staying at the Crown Plaza. Holla.”

ISNA administration was unavailable for comment.

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