Mysterious Toyota Camry Monolith Appears in Mosque Parking Lot, Blocks Traffic

A mysterious Toyota Camry monolith appeared in a mosque parking lot during Friday prayers, causing delays for worshippers.

Sugarland, TX – A mysterious Toyota Camry monolith appeared in a Houston area mosque parking lot during Friday prayers, blocking in other attendees as they tried to get back to work.Late arriving worshippers were bewildered as they ran past the 2010 Camry LE obelisk carelessly positioned between two giant “No Parking” signs.

Imam Khalid Mabuti of the Islamic Center of Sugarland made an announcement, urging the owner to immediately move the 11 ft tall geometric slab, or risk being towed.“If you are the owner of a silver Toyota Camry monolith with an ‘I Love Islam’ bumper sticker, please move it now as you’re preventing all of these IT workers from returning to their livelihoods.

”The Imam’s announcement prompted all 500 worshippers to run out and check if the monolith was theirs.“With a description like that, everyone assumed it was their own,” said mosque attendee Kareem Abdullah as he waited in a standstill queue of 100 other Camrys.

“When it comes to vehicle selection, I guess you could say the Muslim community IS a monolith.”

By late afternoon, the hashtag #JUMANOLITH started to trend on Twitter.

Follow @islamicanews, and remember to follow monolith parking etiquette at your area mosques!

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