Revlon Releases Controversial Clear Plastic Hijab "I mean, I did work on my hair for four hours"

Many Muslims were left asking "What's the point?" Others were offended by the completely nude mannequin showcasing the hijab.

NEW YORK, NY – In an move to expand into new markets, cosmetic manufacturer Revlon unveiled its first entry into the Islamic fashion scene. Dubbed ‘The Clear Alternative,’ the clear plastic hijab is the first article of Islamic clothing comprised entirely of polyurethane.

Released for consumer testing in 1996, the initial iterations of the plastic hijab were anything but successful. Consumer testing revealed that the initial design was plagued with numerous fundamental flaws. Several women complained of excessive heat buildup in the hijab and three died of suffocation as a result of turning their heads too quickly, thereby blocking air intake.

Revlon representative Paula Mitchell assured Islamica News the final shipping version is very safe for ready for everyday use. The company spent numerous R&D hours to remedy issues of ‘breathability’ from the initial release.

“We feel that all problem issues have been covered and we’re excited to start shipping the product,” exclaimed Mitchell. “I mean, I did work on my hair for four hours, why not show it off?”

The company hopes to expand into other clear, polyurethane-based apparel in the near future and teased a clear jilbab as part of its marketing campaign.

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