To Attract Younger Demographic, Mosque Adds Giant Slide To Minaret

A midwest mosque added a giant slide to one of its two minarets, in an effort to attract a younger audience and provide the muezzin a thrilling way down.

In an effort to attract a younger demographic, a mosque in suburban Detroit has added a giant, twisty slide to one its two minarets.

The spiral slide also provides the muezzin, (person who does the adhan/call to prayer) a more efficient yet exhilarating way down.

“I don’t know if the word ‘weeeeee’ is an orthodox part of the adhan, but it seems to be the case at this mosque,” said attendee Jaafer Raza.

Other attendees noted that the slide increases minaret utilization from 5 times a day, commenting, “There’s never a bad time to slide.”

Others were more critical of the new addition saying it’s a slippery slope.

“The mosque isn’t a playground!” said Mariam Khan. “What’s next? A bouncey house mosque? That slide might as well descend into the Hellfire while we’re at it!” 

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